Benefits of Alzheimer's Support Groups

January 30, 2023

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's can be stressful. More than anything, you want them to live an active and comfortable life. However, there may be many uncertainties and unanswered questions about the future of your loved one. You may face challenges that can leave you overwhelmed, burned out, isolated and exhausted. But you don't have to face it alone.

You can join an Alzheimer's support group and walk the journey with other like-minded individuals. Many support groups offer exceptional experiences that will help you feel relieved and motivate you to care for your loved one. The benefits of Alzheimer's support groups may be different for every caregiver, but many people agree that joining one can help you care for your loved one better. 

Holding hands during a support group session

In this post, Thoughtful Care will explain what an Alzheimer's support group is and can do for both caregivers and family members.

What Is an Alzheimer's Support Group?

Alzheimer's support group is a gathering of different like-minded people taking care of loved ones living with Alzheimer's. These individuals can be those living with the disease or caregivers taking care of their loved ones. The group comprises people with various needs, challenges, and expectations that come together to find better ways to manage their conditions. And as you'll see below, there are many benefits of Alzheimer's support groups for caregivers. 

Research on Alzheimer's Support Groups

According to the National Library of Medicine, a growing number of Alzheimer's caregivers are joining support groups for various reasons. People rely on formal support groups for assistance with their caregiving responsibilities. The report shows that over 40% of caregivers in the United States, approximately 16 million people, join Alzheimer's support groups for emotional support. The number will likely grow with time as more people seek support. The American Journal of Psychiatry shows that individuals who join support groups can perform their caregiving activities more efficiently in the home than those who have not received any support. 

Benefits of Alzheimer's Support Groups 

So why join an Alzheimer's support group? Here are the benefits of Alzheimer's support groups for caregivers. 

Share Ideas with Other Like-Minded People

All Alzheimer's support groups consist of people who share a common goal. They come together to interact with other people experiencing similar struggles. As you interact, you will learn new things that can help you care for your loved one well. Through the group, you can learn what worked for other caregivers and how they did it. You can apply the ideas which may help you solve the challenges you've been facing. 

Validate Your Feelings Without Feeling Guilty

Sometimes, taking care of a loved one can make you feel like you are not doing enough to give them the best life they deserve. While your feelings are valid, you don't have to think that you are not doing enough. When you join a support group, you will interact with others who may have more challenges than you. Talking to others will make you know that what you feel is normal, and you don't have to feel guilty about the support you give to your loved one. 

Improve Your Coping Skills 

It's normal to feel overwhelmed when taking care of a loved one with Alzheimer's. But it would help if you didn't give up even when you feel like you can no longer handle it. You are doing an incredible job. All you need is more support from like-minded individuals. Joining a support group can help you improve your skills and improvise better ways to care for your loved one. You can learn practical tips to help your loved one live a fulfilling life no matter their condition. 

Vent Your Frustrations Away 

Caregiving can make you emotional. Sometimes, your family members may find it challenging to handle vital issues that can help your loved one live a fulfilling life. This can leave you frustrated and emotionally drained. The beauty of joining an Alzheimer's support group is that you can vent your frustrations without being judged. The group consists of people who understand each other's conditions, and you will be free to speak out about your issues without feeling judged by others. This can help you feel better as you vent your anger and frustration. 

Join a Support Group for Alzheimer's Caregivers

There are many other benefits to joining an Alzheimer's support group. Because different caregivers face different challenges, joining a support group can be relieving and worth your time. Whether taking care of a parent, child, spouse, sibling, or any family member living with Alzheimer's, you'd want to give them the best care possible. A support group can help you achieve your goals.

Do you need further care for your loved one? Contact Thoughtful Care today to learn more about our Alzheimer's and dementia care services.



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